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02.22 , 0 Comments

During the summer 1934 the Soccer World Championship was to take place in Rome. To enlarge the capacity of the soccer stadios, Innocenti was assigned by the Italian Government the task of building new stands. This assignment and the construction during the same year of a variety of stands, stages, runways and the like gained conspicuous profits to Innocenti's Milan factory, which now had 200 workers, partly from Rome.

The company was structured in two seats and two factories, one in Rome and one in Milan, plus a total of 9 branch offices in Genoa, Naples, Bologne, Trieste, Grosseto, Cagliari, Palermo, Padua, Florence. The company had four separated divisions for a variety of products:
  1. Building activity: electric ware, scaffolding, high-tension pylons, gates and fences, lamp-posts.

  2. Agriculture and sports: water system pipings, spray irrigation plants, fencings for sport units or training grounds, equipment for gymnasia.

  3. Industry: thermoelectrical plants; air, gas and steam tubings; compressed or liquid gas cylinders; pipings.

  4. Mechanical industry: lorry tubes, propeller shafts, tubes for motorcars, tubes for gun carriages, hydraulic rams and cylinders, rolls for glassworks.

This was a purely commercial division, because from the technical and production point of view there was no difference. The plants were potentially able to produce the whole range of products. Around this year (1935), Innocenti was about to concentrate all the production in the Milan factory.

On the 30th April 1935 the social capital was doubled, during a meeting of the 11 shareholders, and 5,000 new shares were issued with a value of 1,000 lire each.

The aggression to Ethiopia was on its way, and it took place on the 3rd October 1935. During the summer of the same year, the intervention against the republican government in Spain burst out. The Italian industry was not prepared to face the outburst of war, but in a short time the production was converted and by the end of 1936 the industries producing war equipment were gaining large profits.

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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